Grounds x Popunie: Benefietconcert Ruwhel

At the door 2,50

Date Sunday 06 November, 2022
Start 13:30
Doors open 13:00

Ruwhel is giving a benefit concert for Sustainable on Bonaire (Duurzaam op Bonaire) at Grounds on Sunday, November 6. He personally invites you to this!

The event is dominated by a fundraiser campaign that is being started to raise money for a sustainable project, and to run a pilot with it, on Bonaire.

Given the developments, including Greenpeace’s warning about sea level rise, I believe it is also my responsibility as an artist, and climate ambassador, to show my commitment to my people and future generations.

I want to present a method for sustainable vertical cultivation with small amounts of water for the supply of agricultural crops. On Bonaire it is very warm and there is a lot of sun. Many families also have land on which to cultivate, but imports are still used for the consumption of fruit and vegetables. This is a very expensive cost that people can easily and quickly solve themselves on the basis of sustainable vertical techniques.

Besides the strengths I have, I am also aware that I still have a lot to learn in the field of sustainability. I am proud of the network that I have built up over the years, and through this fundraiser campaign I want to introduce Fons Janssen to you, who can tell both you and the artist community more about a more sustainable future. How we can collectively look differently at the contemporary situation and anticipate it better.

– Ruwhel

Fons gathers and connects young people and young professionals to influence local, national and European energy and climate policy. By setting up and supporting new foundations, Fons ensures that everyone up to the age of 35 can use the new social infrastructure that brings young people closer to experts, policy makers and politicians.

With this event Ruwhel wants to raise €15,000, of which €10,000 is used for the start-up of the project and €5,000 for the actual implementation. This will be collected through a GOFUNDME project.

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