(+ €1 service fee)
At the door
Start 20:30
Doors open 20:00
| Please note: This event is completely SOLD OUT, there is NO DOORSALE at the venue.
As an initiative of the Cultural Center Foundation Capoeiraschool, we celebrate the colorful Giramundo Carnaval, which literally means “the world revolves.” A global celebration where everyone is welcome. An evening where worries are forgotten, and the diversity of Rotterdam merges into one grand celebration!
Evening Program Highlights:
Roda de Samba: Experience the enchanting live music of the amazing samba formation Ripa na Tulipa, along with Kriya Familía and Marijn van de Linden.
Capoeira Show: A powerful capoeira performance, where the students of Capoeira school showcase their skills.
Maculelé Show: An explosion of rhythm and energy, brought to you by the talented students of the batucada class at the EPM Choroschool.
Masked Party: The evening program starts at 8:00 PM and ends at 2:00 AM. Decorations from the daytime activities will create a captivating atmosphere.
Join us in thanking our valued partners, EPM Choroschool, Ripa na Tulipa, and Kriya Familía, who, together with us, make this cultural journey around the world possible. Let’s celebrate the rich Brazilian identity together, not in Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, but here in Rotterdam, where the world revolves to the rhythm of Giramundo!
Pedro Hagen Pimentel and the passionate members of Capoeiraschool Berimbau de Ouro Rotterdam invite you to an unforgettable night full of vibrant energy and Brazilian culture!