Visiting and postal address
Pieter de Hoochweg 125
3024 BG Rotterdam
From Central Station, take tram 8 in the direction of Spangen, get off at the stop ‘Pieter de Hoochweg’, cross the bridge and walk to the roundabout where GROUNDS is on the corner.
From Central Station, take the metro in the direction of Spijkenisse, change at Beurs station and take the metro to Schiedam. Get off at Coolhaven metro station, cross the bridge and walk to the roundabout where GROUNDS is on the corner.
For timetables, visit
Parking in the GROUNDS area is free after 11pm. On Sundays, parking is free before 12pm and after 11pm in the surrounding area of the Pieter de Hoochweg.
Lab Grounds
Visiting address
‘s-Gravendijkwal 58B
3014 EE Rotterdam
From Central Station you can take tram 1 (direction Holy), tram 7 (direction Marconiplein) or tram 11 (direction Woudhoek). Get off at the stop ‘Tiendplein’. There you cross over to the ‘s-Gravendijkwal.
From Central Station you can take metro D (direction De Akkers) or metro E (direction Slinge) to stop ‘Beurs’. Change to metro A (direction Schiedam Centrum), metro B (direction Steendijkpolder) or metro C (direction De Akkers). Get off at subway station ‘Dijkzicht’ and walk over the Nieuwe Binnenweg to the ‘s-Gravendijkwal.
For timetables, visit
On the side of Lab Grounds at the ‘s-Gravendijkwal you have to pay for parking from Monday to Saturday, between 9am and 11pm. On Sunday, you have to pay for parking between 12pm and 11pm.
Advice: On the other side of the road, across from Lab Grounds on the ‘s-Gravendijkwal, parking is cheaper.
Privacy statement
Oscar van der Pluijm – Director / Manager
Nishant Harcharan – Manager Bedrijfsvoering / Head of production
Hanyo van Oosterom – programmer
Ausra Listaviciute – district coordinator
Stijn Vermoesen – marketing
Tim Haarman – assistent marketing / graphic designer
Ruud Wiegman – catering
Wendy Hoekstra – catering
Connor Whyte – production (HBS)
Omar Ka – concierge (HBS)
Nick Boutkan – production