At the door
Start 21:00
Doors open 19:30
| UPDATE: Grounds is broadcasting the Netherlands-Agentina match live in the cafe for free. The doors open at 19.30.
Grounds proudly presents the live album preview of the new album “Kawral” by Omar Ka. It was recorded during the pandemic at Danilo Tavares Music Studio in Rotterdam. The album offers a fine mix of Fulani folk, Dakar beats, Afro reggae and desert blues.
Expect a full live band on stage including some very special guests (tba). All visitors will get a special designed leaflet, including a free download code of the new album. This special night is hosted by DJ Caliënte. The afterparty is hosted by DJ Gea Russell.
Listen to the preview of Omar’s album.
Highly recommended. Limited capacity, so make sure to get your ‘early bird’ tickets.
Offical video of the Abu – Djolof album, released in 2018 by Homerecords (BE)